This version of Kill Bill is not supported anymore, please see our latest documentation


In this tutorial, we will explore how we can deploy Kill Bill in AWS by leveraging the existing Docker killbill container.

The deployment will rely on:

  • One EC2 instance where the killbill docker container runs

  • One RDS instance for mysql

Requirements: You need to create an AWS account and have an access to the AWS console

Note that those steps are mostly for the purpose of a demo; they omit production-like features such as DB backup, Monitoring, or even deploying multiple EC2 instances for HA or horizontal scalability purpose. However, all those are more a matter of configuring AWS towards that end and spawning more instances, so in final, the steps can be used as a basis to deploy Kill Bill in the cloud to handle your production traffic.

AWS Setup

The AWS setup is little bit convoluted, and even though there is a lot of documentation on aws, we will go through the various steps. To summarize the steps:

  • Setup of the VPC, that is now required by some instances

  • Setup and launch the RDS instance

  • Setup and launch the EC2 Killbill docker container

Configuring the VPC

From AWS console, choose VPC service:

  1. Create the VPC

    NameTag : dockerdemo
    CIDR block :
    Tenancy : Default

    Then select Actions to set DNS Resolution and DNS Hostname

  2. Then create an Internet Gateway

    This is necessary to make sure the public IP is visible from the outside world.

    Specifying a Name: dockerdemo
    Right click on the created gateway, and select 'attach to VPC'; chose the VPC previously created
  3. Add subnets to VPC

    Subnet sub menu Create Subnet:

    Name Tag: dockerdemo-e1b
    VPC: select previously created VPC
    Availability zone: us-east-1b
    CIDR block :
    Select 'Modify Auto-Assign Plublic IP'

    Repeat twice to create the other subnets with {us-east-1c,}, {us-east-1d,})

  4. Create Custom Route Tables:

    Route Tables Menu Create Route table:

    Name tag: dockerdemo
    VPC: prevous VPC
    Edit the routes to add the gateway:
    Target: select the gateway igw-xxxx
    Tag 'Subnet associations': Edit and click on all subnet to 'associate'
  5. Security Group for EC2 instances:

    Security Group Menu Create Security Group:

    Name Tag: dockerdemo
    Group Name: dockerdemo
    VPC: select VPC
    Edit SG: Add following rules:
    {Type=SSH, Protocol=TCP, Port=22, Source= or your IP machine if you want to be more restrictive)
    {Type=HTTP, Protocol=TCP, Port=8080, Source=
  6. Security Group for RDS instance:

    Security Group Menu Create Security Group:

    Name Tag: dockerdemo-db
    Group Name: dockerdemo
    VPC: select VPC
    Edit SG: Add following rules:
    {Type=SSH, Protocol=TCP, Port=3306, Source= or your IP machine if you want to be more restrictive)

Configuring the RDS Instance

From AWS console, choose RDS service:

  1. Add the subnet group for the DB:

    Subnet Group Menu: Create DB subnet Group
    Name: dockerdemo-db
    VPC ID: select VPC
    Availability zone: pick one (us-east-1b)
    Add the 3 subnets prevoulsy created
  2. Launch DB instance (select MySQL Community Edition)

    Instance class: db.t2.micro
    Use Existing VPC: Select VPC
    Multi AZ: false
    DB Instance Identifier: dockerdemo
    Master Username: dockerdemo
    Master Password: dockerdemo
    Advanced Setting:
    VPC :select dockerdemo
    VPC security group : select the dockerdemo-db (oprt open for tcp 3306)
    Database name: killbill
  3. Launch the database

    Write down the endpoint (e.g

Configuring the EC2 Instance

From AWS console, choose EC2 service:

  1. Launch instance: Chose AMI (ami-9eaa1cf6) Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type (for example)

    Instance: t2.small (or adjust to your needs)
    Configure Details:
    Select VPC: dockerdemo
    Auto assign IP: Use subnet setting (Enable)
  2. In order to get dockerd installed and started automatically, the folks from docker created a script that can be invoked by Cloud-Init:
    In Advanced Detail Section:

    User Data: As text
    Enter in the box: #include
  3. Next screen, edit security group and select thr previoulsy created security group (dockerdemo which opens port 22 and 8080)

  4. Launch the instance:

    Create new key pair: dockerdemo

    Download the private key dockerdemo.pem that will be needed later to download into the zone.

Kill Bill Setup

At this stage you have both a dockerized instance of EC2 running and an RDS instance. We need to setup the database and start Kill Bill. Also, and as an example we will deploy the stripe plugin along with Kill Bill.

Note: Replace the DNS names below in the rest of the doc with your RDS and EC2 DNS name

Since the RDS instance is not publicly available, we will configure it through our EC2 instance, so first we will need to ssh to the EC2 instance:

SSH to the zone:
> chmod 400 docker.pem # make sure private key is read-only
> ssh  -i dockerdemo.pem [email protected]
Also verify that dockerd is running:
> ps -ef | grep dockerd # Or:
> sudo docker info

Configuring the Kill Bill database

Since the RDS instance is not publicly available, we will configure it through our EC2 instance. First we install the missing mysql-client package and then upload the database schema:

Install mysql client and upload DB schema
> sudo apt-get install -y  mysql-client
> curl -q | mysql -h -u dockerdemo -pdockerdemo killbill
> curl -q | mysql -h -u dockerdemo -pdockerdemo killbill

Configuring the Stripe Plugin

Create the stripe configuration:

> mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/killbil/etc/
> vi /home/ubuntu/killbil/etc/stripe.yml

Fill the details with your own keys:

 :api_secret_key: API_SECRET_KEY
 :test: true
 :adapter: jdbcmysql
 :jndi: killbill/osgi/jdbc
 :connection_alive_sql: select 1
 :pool: 25

Final Step

Finally download the docker image, and start it:

> sudo docker pull killbill/killbill:0.12.1
> sudo docker run -tid \
       –name dockerdemo \
       -p 8080:8080 \
       -v /home/ubuntu/killbil/etc/stripe.yml:/etc/killbill/stripe.yml \
       -e KILLBILL_CONFIG_DAO_URL=jdbc:mysql:// \
       -e KILLBILL_CONFIG_DAO_USER=dockerdemo \
       -e KILLBILL_CONFIG_DAO_PASSWORD=dockerdemo \
       -e KILLBILL_CONFIG_OSGI_DAO_URL=jdbc:mysql:// \
       -e KILLBILL_CONFIG_OSGI_DAO_USER=dockerdemo \
> sudo docker logs -f dockerdemo  # check for instance to be up and running

From this point, you can check everything is working by doing the same curls from the docker blog