This is an Aviate-only feature.


  • Ensure that you have Kill Bill, Kaui, and the database set up as explained in the Getting Started Guide.

  • Ensure that you have cURL installed. If you are on Windows, we recommend that you use Git Bash to run the cURL commands.

Plugin Installation

This section lists the steps to be followed for the Aviate plugin installation.

Before staring with the plugin installation, ensure that you have a running KB installation as documented here.

Step 1 - Install Plugin

The aviate plugin can be installed by running the following curl command:

curl -v \
     -u admin:password \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy: admin' \
     -X POST \
     --data-binary '{
         "nodeCommandProperties": [
                 "key": "pluginKey",
                 "value": "aviate"
                 "key": "pluginVersion",
                 "value": "<version>"
                 "key": "pluginArtifactId",
                 "value": "aviate-plugin"
                 "key": "pluginGroupId",
                 "value": ""
                 "key": "pluginType",
                 "value": "java"
                 "key": "pluginUri",
                 "value": "<token>/killbill/aviate/maven/com/kill-bill/billing/plugin/java/aviate-plugin/<version>/aviate-plugin-<version>.jar"
         "nodeCommandType": "INSTALL_PLUGIN",
         "isSystemCommandType": "true"
     }' \

Replace <token> with your cloudsmith token. Replace <version> with the plugin version to be installed. This should be something like 1.0.12.

Step 2 - Create Plugin Database Tables

In order to create the plugin tables, run the Aviate MySQL DDL or Aviate PostgreSQL DDL depending on your database.

Alternatively, you can let Flyway handle the database table creation for you. For this you need to ensure that KB is started with the following property:


Refer to the Kill Bill Configuration Guide to know more about setting configuration properties.

Step 3 - Start the Plugin

In order to start the plugin, run the following curl command:

curl -v \
     -u admin:password \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H 'X-Killbill-CreatedBy: admin' \
     -X POST \
     --data-binary '{
         "nodeCommandProperties": [
                 "key": "pluginKey",
                 "value": "aviate"
         "nodeCommandType": "START_PLUGIN",
         "isSystemCommandType": true
     }' \

Step 4 - Verify that the plugin is running

Run the following curl command:

curl -v \
-u admin:password \

The output should contain an entry similar to the following:

        "bundleSymbolicName": "",
        "pluginKey": "aviate-plugin",
        "pluginName": "aviate-plugin",
        "version": "1.0.12-SNAPSHOT",
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "isSelectedForStart": true,
        "services": [
            "serviceTypeName": "javax.servlet.Servlet",
            "registrationName": "aviate-plugin"
            "serviceTypeName": "org.killbill.billing.catalog.plugin.api.CatalogPluginApi",
            "registrationName": "aviate-plugin"
            "serviceTypeName": "org.killbill.billing.osgi.api.Healthcheck",
            "registrationName": "aviate-plugin"

Alternatively, you can verify this via Kaui. To do this, click on the plug icon and the kpm link. Verify that the Aviate plugin is displayed in green color in RUNNING status.


Why is the aviate plugin not started even after following the steps above?

One of the possible reasons for the plugin startup failure is that the aviate database tables are not present. If you are using Flyway to create the tables, sometimes an error can occur while running the migrations. The KB logs should be able to provide more details.

Further Reading