Payment plugins integrate Kill Bill with a specific gateway (i.e., payment processor), such as Stripe or Braintree. We already have many open-source payment plugins available on GitHub as listed in our Plugin Introduction guide.

You can use this tutorial to develop a custom payment plugin.


Developing a Payment Plugin

Kill Bill provides a Plugin API for plugin development. This includes the PaymentPluginApi interface. You need to implement this interface in order to develop a custom payment plugin.

Kill Bill also provides a plugin framework, which has many classes that you can use out-of the-box for plugin development. We strongly encourage you to use this framework.

Getting Started

At a high level, you must perform the following steps to develop a payment plugin:

  1. Clone one of our existing sample plugins and set it up as explained in the Plugin Development Guide. You can use one of the following:

    1. Hello World Plugin - This is a sample plugin that you can use as a template for developing other plugins.

    2. GoCardless Example Plugin - This is a sample payment plugin for GoCardless and is used in this tutorial.

  2. Create a class that implements the PaymentPluginApi interface (Similar to HelloWorldPaymentPluginApi or

  3. Implement the desired methods from the PaymentPluginApi interface within your class. These methods are explained in the PaymentPluginApi Methods table below.

  4. Create an activator class that is responsible for starting the plugin (Similar to HelloWorldActivator or GoCardlessActivator).

PaymentPluginApi Methods

The following table lists the methods in the PaymentPluginApi interface. You can implement the desired methods in your plugin class.

Method Name Method Description


Should trigger an authorization and capture respectfully (applies to credit cards only)


Should trigger a generic payment (authorization with auto-capture for credit cards, ACH/SEPA, etc.)


Should void an authorization (credit cards only)


Should fund the payment method from your merchant account (similar to a refund, but no prior payment is required: this can be used to initiate an ACH for disbursement for instance)


Should reverse an existing (settled) charge


Should return payment information.


Should return payment transactions matching the specified searchKey (the implementation is up to the plugin)


Should create the payment method in the gateway (e.g. store a token)


Should delete the payment method in the gateway (e.g. revoke a token)


Should return detailed information about the payment method (e.g. billing address)


Should mark the payment method as the default one in the gateway (if the associated account in the gateway has several payment methods)


Should list the payment methods in the gateway for that account (used by the refresh endpoint, when payment methods are added directly in the gateway, bypassing addPaymentMethod)


Should return payment methods matching the specified searchKey (the implementation is up to the plugin)


Called at the end of a refresh call, should associate to that account the payment methods specified (this is useful if Kill Bill knows payment methods that are not yet in the gateway)


Should return enough metadata for the front-end to build a form or a redirect to a hosted payment page


Should process payloads from the gateway to transition payments states

A few pointers for implementing these methods:

  • Almost all the methods accept parameters like kbAccountId, kbPaymentId, kbTransactionId, etc., which are self-explanatory. These may or may not be used by your plugin code. But you may need some of these values to populate the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object that is returned by most of the methods (refer to the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin section).

  • All the methods accept Iterable<PluginProperty> properties as a parameter. These can be used to pass arbitrary data to the plugin method as explained in the Plugin Property Notes section.

  • All the methods listed in the PaymentPluginApi also accept as parameter either a TenantContext or a CallContext. Read only operations (operations which retrieve some data from Kill Bill) like the getPaymentInfo accept a TenantContext. Read/write operations like authorizePayment accept a CallContext. Both these values can be used for auditing purposes.

  • It is quite possible that your plugin might not support some of the operations listed above. In such a case, the plugin can do one of the following:

    • Return an empty list when the return type is a List.

    • Return a transaction with status CANCELED if the return type is a PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin.

    • Return empty objects otherwise.


Most of the methods in the PaymentPluginApi interface return a PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object. Again, the Kill Bill Plugin framework includes a class called PluginPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin, which implements the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin interface. Thus, if you use the framework, you can simply create a class that extends PluginPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin and have the plugin methods return an object of this class.

The PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin interface has the following methods. Thus, your plugin code needs to populate this information in the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object:

Method Name

Method Description


Returns Payment Id in Kill Bill


Returns Transaction Id in Kill Bill


Returns the transaction type (TransactionType object)


Returns the processed amount


Returns the processed currency


Returns the date when the payment was created


Returns the date when the payment is effective


Returns the payment status (PaymentPluginStatus object)


Returns the gateway error if any


Returns the gateway error code if any


Returns gateway specific first payment ID if any


Returns gateway specific second payment ID if any


Returns a PluginProperty list. This can be used to return arbitrary plugin specific properties. See Plugin Property Notes section for more information.

Payment Plugin Status

PaymentPluginStatus indicates the status of executing a plugin method. It can be returned via the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getStatus method. It is used by Kill Bill to compute the TransactionStatus. The following table elaborates how the status should be populated and the TransactionStatus that the PaymentPluginStatus translates to:

Plugin Status Status Description Transaction Status


Indicates that the payment is successful



Indicates that the payment is rejected by the gateway (insufficient funds, fails AVS check, fraud detected, etc.)



Indicates that the payment requires a completion step (3D-S verification, HPP, etc.)



Indicates that the gateway wasn’t contacted (DNS error, SSL handshake error, socket connect timeout, etc.)



Should be used for all other cases (socket read timeout, 500 returned, etc.)


Note: PROCESSED, ERROR and PENDING are normal cases and it is okay to return these status values from plugin methods. However, CANCELED and UNDEFINED should be reserved for serious issues like plugin failure, timeout, etc.

Plugin Property Notes

Sometimes, it may be necessary to pass extra plugin/gateway specific data to/from a plugin. Plugin properties can be used in such situations. A PluginProperty consists of a key-value pair. For example, city=San Francisco. It is important to note that plugin properties passed to a plugin or returned by a plugin are opaque to Kill Bill. So, Kill Bill just passes these values through.

  • Properties can be passed to a plugin method via the properties parameter (If you recall, all the plugin methods accept Iterable<PluginProperty> properties as a parameter).

  • Properties can be returned from a plugin via the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object (So the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getProperties must be implemented to return the desired plugin properties).

Note: The plugin properties returned by the getPaymentInfo method are displayed in Kaui on the Payments screen under the Status column.

See the Payment Guide for more information on plugin properties.

GoCardless Plugin Tutorial

In order to demonstrate creating a payment plugin, we will be creating a Kill Bill payment plugin for GoCardless. GoCardless allows direct debit from customers' bank accounts. It requires a customer to set up a mandate the first time. A mandate is an authorisation from a customer to take payments from their bank account. Once a mandate is set up, it directly collects payments against the mandate.

GoCardless provides a client library. We will be using this library to integrate GoCardless with Kill Bill. For the sake of simplicity, we will be creating a very basic plugin that can only process payments. Refunds, credits and other plugin functionality will currently not be implemented.

The complete code for this tutorial is available on Github.

How GoCardless Works

The first step in GoCardless would be adding a customer and setting up a payment mandate. We will be using the Gocardless Redirect Flow.

The diagram below explains the steps involved. We consider the following actors:

Browser: user sitting behind a browser and initiating the payment flow

Merchant Site: customer facing web site which receives the order

GoCardless: The GoCardless payment system

Bank - Customer’s bank which processes the payments

How Go Cardless Works
  1. A user enters his/her payment details on a merchant site.

  2. The merchant site initiates the GoCardless Redirect flow with the customer details (optional) and a success page URL.

  3. GoCardless returns a redirect URL.

  4. The merchant site redirects the user to this URL.

  5. The user manually enters bank details at this page.

  6. If successful, GoCardless redirects the user to the success page URL sent to it in step 1.

  7. The merchant site completes the GoCardless Redirect flow .

  8. GoCardless then actually sets up the mandate with the customer’s bank.

  9. If successful, it returns a mandate Id to the merchant site.

  10. The merchant site then charges the customer against the mandate Id as required.

Using GoCardless from Kill Bill

In order to use GoCardless from Kill Bill, we will need to create a payment plugin corresponding to GoCardless. Since we are developing a very basic plugin that can only process payments, we only need to do the following:

  1. Set up the mandate. This is a two-step process as explained above where:

    1. Step 1 involves redirecting the user to a page to manually confirm setting up the mandate. The PaymentPluginApi#buildFormDescriptor method can be used.

    2. Step 2 involves completing the GoCardless flow and retrieving the mandate ID. The PaymentPluginApi#addPaymentMethod method can be used.

  2. Implement the PaymentPluginApi#purchasePayment method to charge the customer.

The diagram below explains the end-to-end flow. We consider the following actors:

Browser: user sitting behind a browser and initiating the payment flow

Merchant Site: customer facing web site which receives the order

Kill Bill - The Kill Bill system

Checkout Servlet - Servlet that initiates setting up the payment method. This is explained in the GocardlessCheckoutServlet section below.

GoCardless Plugin: Payment plugin corresponding to GoCardless that can process payments using the GoCardless system

GoCardless: The GoCardless payment system

Using GoCardless From KillBill
  1. A user enters his/her payment details on a merchant site.

  2. The merchant site invokes the Checkout Servlet.

  3. The Checkout Servlet invokes the GoCarldessPlugin#buildFormDescriptor.

  4. The GoCarldessPlugin#buildFormDescriptor method invokes the redirectFlows().create(). This initiates the GoCardless redirect flow and returns the redirect URL .

  5. The merchant site redirects the user to this URL.

  6. The user manually enters bank details on this page.

  7. GoCardless redirects the user to the success page.

  8. The merchant site invokes the KillBill#addPaymentMethod which in turn invokes GoCardlessPlugin#addPaymentMethod.

  9. The GoCarldessPlugin#addPaymentMethod invokes redirectFlows().complete(). This completes the redirect flow and returns the mandate ID which is saved in the Kill Bill database.

  10. The merchant site can then invoke KillBill#purchasePayment as required. This in turn invokes GoCardlessPlugin#purchasePayment.

  11. The GoCardlessPlugin#purchasePayment invokes the payments().create() to charge the customer against the saved mandate ID as explained in the GoCardless documentation.

Creating the GoCardless Plugin

Let us now understand how we can create a payment plugin for GoCardless.

Step 1 - Initial Setup

Initial setup steps include installing the necessary software, setting up the project in an IDE, and generating a GoCardless token as explained below.

  1. Ensure that you have the necessary software for plugin development as listed in the Prerequisites section of the Plugin Development Guide.

  2. Clone the killbill-gocardless-example-plugin repository and set it up in an IDE as explained Setting up the Code in an IDE section of the _Plugin Development Guide.

  3. Generate a GoCardless access token as explained in the GoCardless documentation.

  4. Create an environment variable called GC_ACCESS_TOKEN with the GoCardless access token.

Step 2 - Creating GoCardlessPluginApi

The first step is to create a class that implements the PaymentPluginApi interface. Let us take a look at the class.

public class GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi implements PaymentPluginApi {
	private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi.class);
	private OSGIKillbillAPI killbillAPI;
	private Clock clock;
    private GoCardlessClient client;
    public GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi(final OSGIKillbillAPI killbillAPI,final Clock clock) {
		this.killbillAPI = killbillAPI;
		this.clock = clock;
		client = GoCardlessClient.newBuilder(System.getenv(GC_ACCESS_TOKEN_PROPERTY)).withEnvironment(GoCardlessClient.Environment.SANDBOX).build();
	//other methods
  • The GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi implements the PaymentPluginApi interface.

  • It declares the following fields:

    • killbillAPI - This is of type OSGIKillbillAPI. OSGIKillBillAPI is a Kill Bill class which exposes all of Kill Bill’s internal APIs.

    • GC_ACCESS_TOKEN_PROPERTY - This is a String field that is required for accessing the GoCardless access token

    • clock - This is of type Clock. This is part of Kill Bill’s clock library.

    • client This is of type GoCardlessClient. This is a GoCardless specific class that can be used to access the GoCardless API.

  • The constructor initializes the fields with the values passed in and creates a GoCardless client.

Within this class, we need to implement the buildFormDescriptor, addPaymentMethod, and purchasePayment methods as explained in the Using GoCardless from Kill Bill section above. These methods are implemented in the subsequent steps.

Step 3 - Creating GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin

As explained earlier, most of the PaymentPluginApi methods return a PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object (Refer to the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin section). Let us take a look at the class.

public class GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin extends PluginPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin{
	public GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin(UUID kbPaymentId, UUID kbTransactionPaymentPaymentId,
			TransactionType transactionType, BigDecimal amount, Currency currency, PaymentPluginStatus pluginStatus,
			String gatewayError, String gatewayErrorCode, String firstPaymentReferenceId,
			String secondPaymentReferenceId, DateTime createdDate, DateTime effectiveDate,
			List<PluginProperty> properties) {
		super(kbPaymentId, kbTransactionPaymentPaymentId, transactionType, amount, currency, pluginStatus, gatewayError,
				gatewayErrorCode, firstPaymentReferenceId, secondPaymentReferenceId, createdDate, effectiveDate, properties);
  • The GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin extends the PluginPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin class from the Kill Bill Plugin framework. PluginPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin in turn implements the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin interface.

  • The GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin constructor accepts parameters corresponding to the data to be returned by PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin. It simply invokes the superclass constructor with these parameters.

Step 4 - Implementing GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi#buildFormDescriptor

The buildFormDesciptor method is typically used for hosted payment flows to display a form where a user can enter his/her payment details. This tutorial uses it to initiate the GoCardless redirect flow and to obtain the redirect URL. Thus, it is implemented as follows (See GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi.buildFormDescriptor):

public HostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor buildFormDescriptor(UUID kbAccountId, Iterable<PluginProperty> customFields,
	Iterable<PluginProperty> properties, CallContext context) throws PaymentPluginApiException {"buildFormDescriptor, kbAccountId=" + kbAccountId);
	// retrieve properties
	String successRedirectUrl = PluginProperties.findPluginPropertyValue("success_redirect_url", properties); // ""; - this is the URL to which GoCardless will redirect after users set up the mandate
	String redirectFlowDescription = PluginProperties.findPluginPropertyValue("redirect_flow_description",properties);
	String sessionToken = PluginProperties.findPluginPropertyValue("session_token", properties); PrefilledCustomer customer = buildCustomer(customFields);// build a PrefilledCuctomer object from custom fields if present
	RedirectFlow redirectFlow = client.redirectFlows().create().withDescription(redirectFlowDescription)
			.withSuccessRedirectUrl(successRedirectUrl).withPrefilledCustomer(customer).execute();"RedirectFlow Id", redirectFlow.getId());"RedirectFlow URL", redirectFlow.getRedirectUrl());
	PluginHostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor pluginHostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor = new PluginHostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor(
			kbAccountId, redirectFlow.getRedirectUrl());
	return pluginHostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor;
  • The code first retrieves the successRedirectUrl, redirectFlowDescription and sessionToken sent by the client application from the properties passed in. These are required by GoCardless and are as explained below:

    • successRedirectUrl - Indicates the page to which the user should be redirected after setting up the mandate successfully.

    • redirectFlowDescription - Is a description that is displayed on the payment page (page where the user is redirected to set up the mandate).

    • sessionToken - Is something that identifies the user’s session on the client application. GoCardless requires this to be supplied while creating the redirect flow (now, while invoking the buildFormDescriptor method), and while completing the redirect flow (when the addPaymentMethod is invoked) it at the end. Supplying this token twice makes sure that the person who completed the redirect flow is the person who initiated it.

  • Next, the client.redirectFlows().create() is invoked with the successRedirectUrl, redirectFlowDescription and sessionToken. This returns a RedirectFlow object. The RedirectFlow object contains the redirect URL.

  • Finally, a HostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor object is created using the redirect URL and the Kill Bill Account Id. This is then returned to the client application.

Step 5 - Implementing GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi#addPaymentMethod

The addPaymentMethod method is typically used to add a payment method in Kill Bill corresponding to a customer/account. Most plugins use this method to create the payment method in the gateway and store payment method specific data in the plugin tables). This tutorial uses it to complete the redirect flow. Thus, it is implemented as follows (See GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi#addPaymentMethod):

public void addPaymentMethod(UUID kbAccountId, UUID kbPaymentMethodId, PaymentMethodPlugin paymentMethodProps,
		boolean setDefault, Iterable<PluginProperty> properties, CallContext context)
		throws PaymentPluginApiException {"addPaymentMethod, kbAccountId=" + kbAccountId);
	final Iterable<PluginProperty> allProperties = PluginProperties.merge(paymentMethodProps.getProperties(),
	String redirectFlowId = PluginProperties.findPluginPropertyValue("redirect_flow_id", allProperties);  //retrieve the redirect flow ID
	String sessionToken = PluginProperties.findPluginPropertyValue("session_token", allProperties);
	try {
		//Use the redirect flow ID to "complete" the GoCardless flow
		RedirectFlow redirectFlow = client.redirectFlows().complete(redirectFlowId).withSessionToken(sessionToken).execute();
		String mandateId = redirectFlow.getLinks().getMandate(); //obtain mandate ID from the redirect flow"MandateId:", mandateId);
		try {
			//save Mandate ID in the Kill Bill database
			killbillAPI.getCustomFieldUserApi().addCustomFields(List.of(new PluginCustomField(kbAccountId,
					ObjectType.ACCOUNT, "GOCARDLESS_MANDATE_ID", mandateId, clock.getUTCNow())), context);
		} catch (CustomFieldApiException e) {
			logger.warn("Error occured while saving mandate id", e);
			throw new PaymentPluginApiException("Error occured while saving mandate id", e);
	} catch (GoCardlessApiException e) {
		logger.warn("Error occured while completing the GoCardless flow", e.getType(), e);
		throw new PaymentPluginApiException("Error occured while completing the GoCardless flow", e);
  • In addition to the Iterable<PluginProperty> properties, the addPaymentMethod accepts PaymentMethodPlugin paymentMethodProps as a parameter.

  • PaymentMethodPlugin is a generic object that represents a payment method (creditcard, bank account, etc.). It has a getProperties method that returns a List<PluginProperty>.

  • The properties parameter is typically used to pass properties which are related to the specific method call (addPaymentMethod in this case) while the PaymentMethodPlugin#getProperties typically refers to non-standard generic information about the payment method itself.

  • A client application can use either of these to pass in the GoCardless properties. The code above (like other plugins) is lenient and accepts both ways. So, it first invokes PluginProperties.merge to merge both properties and stores them into a merged allProperties list.

  • It then retrieves the redirectFlowId and sessionToken from allProperties. These are required by GoCardless and are as explained below:

    • redirectFlowId - If you recall, the redirectFlowId is sent to a client application after the buildFormDescriptor method call. A client application needs to send this back.

    • sessionToken - As explained earlier, a client application needs to send the same sessionToken that was sent at the time of creating the redirect flow (when the buildFormDescriptor method was invoked) to ensure that the person who completes the redirect flow is the person who initiated it.

  • Next, the client.redirectFlows().complete is invoked with the redirectFlowId and the sessionToken. This returns a RedirectFlow object which contains the mandate Id.

  • Finally, the mandateId is stored in the Kill Bill database. Normally, each plugin has its own plugin specific tables. However, since we are not creating a full-fledged GoCardless plugin, we are storing the mandateId in the custom_fields table. The custom_fields table can be used to store arbitrary key/value pairs in the Kill Bill database.

  • In case an error occurs in any of the steps, the code throws a PaymentPluginApiException.

Step 6 - Implementing GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi#purchasePayment

The purchasePayment method is used to charge a customer against a payment method. It is invoked when:

In the case of GoCardless, it is used to trigger payments against a mandateId. Thus, it is implemented as follows (see GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi#purchasePayment):

public PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin purchasePayment(UUID kbAccountId, UUID kbPaymentId, UUID kbTransactionId,
		UUID kbPaymentMethodId, BigDecimal amount, Currency currency, Iterable<PluginProperty> properties,
		CallContext context) throws PaymentPluginApiException {"purchasePayment, kbAccountId=" + kbAccountId);
	PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin paymentTransactionInfoPlugin;
	String mandate = getMandateId(kbAccountId, context); // retrieve mandateId from Kill Bill tables"MandateId="+mandate);
	if (mandate != null) {"Processing payment");
		try {
			String idempotencyKey = PluginProperties.findPluginPropertyValue("idempotencykey", properties); goCardlessCurrency = convertKillBillCurrencyToGoCardlessCurrency(
			Payment payment = client.payments().create()
					.withAmount(Math.toIntExact(KillBillMoney.toMinorUnits(currency.toString(), amount)))
					.withMetadata("kbPaymentId", kbPaymentId.toString()).withMetadata("kbTransactionId", kbTransactionId.toString()) //added for getPaymentInfo
			List<PluginProperty> outputProperties = new ArrayList<PluginProperty>();
			outputProperties.add(new PluginProperty("paymentId", payment.getId(), false));
			paymentTransactionInfoPlugin = new GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin(kbPaymentId, kbTransactionId,
					TransactionType.PURCHASE, amount, currency, PaymentPluginStatus.PROCESSED, null, null,
					String.valueOf(payment.getId()), null, new DateTime(), new DateTime(payment.getCreatedAt()),
					outputProperties);"Payment processed, PaymentId="+payment.getId());
		} catch (GoCardlessApiException e) {
			paymentTransactionInfoPlugin = new GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin(kbPaymentId, kbTransactionId,
					TransactionType.PURCHASE, amount, currency, PaymentPluginStatus.ERROR, e.getErrorMessage(),
					String.valueOf(e.getCode()), null, null, new DateTime(), null, null);
			logger.warn("Error occured in purchasePayment", e.getType(), e);
	} else {
		logger.warn("Unable to fetch mandate, so cannot process payment");
		paymentTransactionInfoPlugin = new GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin(kbPaymentId, kbTransactionId,
				TransactionType.PURCHASE, amount, currency, PaymentPluginStatus.CANCELED, null,
				null, null, null, new DateTime(), null, null);
	return paymentTransactionInfoPlugin;
  • If you recall, addPaymentMethod stores the mandate ID in the Kill Bill database. This is first retrieved and assigned to mandate.

  • Next, the idempotencyKey is retrieved from the properties passed in. The idempotencyKey is a GoCardless specific value. As per the GoCardless documentation, their API will ensure this payment is only ever created once per idempotencyKey. So a client application could specify kbPaymentId as the idempotencyKey to ensure at most a single payment is created per kbPaymentId.

  • The currency object passed in is of type org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.Currency. This is then converted to a GoCardless Currency object (of type Most payment plugins have code similar to this to convert Kill Bill objects to compatible objects in the plugin’s client library.

  • Finally, the client.payments().create() is invoked with the idempotencyKey, amount, and currency values. This returns a Payment object which contains a paymentId. Additionally, the kbPaymentId and kbTransactionId are sent as metadata to GoCardless in this call. GoCardless metadata allows an application to send custom key value pairs to GoCardless. These can then be retrieved later on as required. In our case, kbPaymentId and kbTransactionId are required to retrieve the payment information as explained in the getPaymentInfo section.

  • The purchasePayment method returns a PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object. We have already created a GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin class above.

  • If the payment is successful, the GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object is created with the following values:

    • kbPaymentId - Set to kbPaymentId. It corresponds to the Kill Bill payment ID.

    • kbTransactionId - Set to kbTransactionId. It corresponds to the Kill Bill transaction ID.

    • TransactionType - Set to TransactionType.PURCHASE since this is a purchase transaction.

    • amount - Set to amount. It corresponds to the amount with which the customer is charged.

    • currency - Set to currency. It corresponds to the currency in which the customer is charged.

    • PaymentPluginStatus - Set to PaymentPluginStatus.PROCESSED since the payment is processed successfully.

    • gatewayError - Set to null since there is no error.

    • gatewayErrorCode - Set to null since there is no error.

    • firstPaymentReferenceId - Set to the payment Id returned by GoCardless.

    • secondPaymentReferenceId - Set to null since GoCardless does not have a secondPaymentReferenceId. Other payment plugins might use this parameter if required.

    • createdDate - Set to the current date.

    • effectiveDate - Set to the date when the payment was created. This is retrieved from the payment object returned by GoCardless.

    • properties - Set to a List<PluginProperty> called outputProperties which contains the GoCardless payment ID. See Plugin Property Notes for more information.

  • If there is an exception while processing the payment, the GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object is created with the following values:

    • PaymentPluginStatus - Set to PaymentPluginStatus.ERROR since there is an error in the payment.

    • gatewayError - Set to the error message from the exception.

    • gatewayErrorCode - Set to the error code from the exception.

    • firstPaymentReferenceId - Set to null since the payment failed.

    • effectiveDate - Set to null since the payment failed.

    • properties - Set to null since the payment failed.

  • If the code is unable to retrieve the mandateId from the Kill Bill database, the GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object is created with the following values:

    • PaymentPluginStatus - Set to PaymentPluginStatus.CANCELED since the gateway was not contacted as the plugin was unable to retrieve the mandateId.

    • gatewayError - Set to null since there is no error.

    • gatewayErrorCode - Set to null since there is no error.

    • firstPaymentReferenceId - Set to null since the payment was not processed.

    • effectiveDate - Set to null since the payment was not processed.

    • properties - Set to null since the payment was not processed.

Step 7 - Implementing GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi#getPaymentInfo

The getPaymentInfo method is used to retrieve payment information. It is very important to implement this method properly since it is used by the Kill Bill Janitor. The Janitor attempts to fix PENDING and UNKNOWN transaction states. It queries the plugin via the getPaymentInfo method. It then updates the Kill Bill database based on the data in the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object returned by the getPaymentInfo method. So, if the plugin subsequently returns a PROCESSED status, the Janitor updates the internal payment state accordingly. In addition, the Janitor also updates other fields in the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object, like processed amount (via PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getAmount), error information (via PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getGatewayError/PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getGatewayErrorCode), etc. in the Kill Bill database.

The Janitor matches the internal transactions against plugin transactions via the transaction ID, so make sure PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getKbTransactionPaymentId is correctly implemented.

In addition to the Janitor, the getPaymentInfo is also invoked whenever a payment is retrieved with withPluginInfo=true, which in turn results in triggering the on-the-fly janitor to fix the payment state before returning the payment information.

In the case of GoCardless, this method retrieves the payment information from GoCardless and populates the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin based on this information. Thus, this method is implemented as follows (see GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi#getPaymentInfo):

	public List<PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin> getPaymentInfo(UUID kbAccountId, UUID kbPaymentId,
			Iterable<PluginProperty> properties, TenantContext context) throws PaymentPluginApiException {

		List<PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin> paymentTransactionInfoPluginList = new ArrayList<>();
		String mandateId = getMandateId(kbAccountId, context) ;
		Mandate mandate = client.mandates().get(mandateId).execute(); //get GoCardless Mandate object
		String customerId = mandate.getLinks().getCustomer(); //retrieve customer ID from mandate

		Iterable<Payment> payments = client.payments().all().withCustomer(customerId).execute(); //get all payments related to customer

		for (Payment payment : payments) {
			String kbPaymentIdFromPayment = payment.getMetadata().get("kbPaymentId"); //get kbPaymentId from metadata in payment
			if(kbPaymentIdFromPayment != null && kbPaymentId.toString().equals(kbPaymentIdFromPayment)) {
				Currency killBillCurrency = convertGoCardlessCurrencyToKillBillCurrency(payment.getCurrency());
				PaymentPluginStatus status = convertGoCardlessToKillBillStatus(payment.getStatus());
				String kbTransactionPaymentIdStr = payment.getMetadata().get("kbTransactionId");
				UUID kbTransactionPaymentId = kbTransactionPaymentIdStr !=null?UUID.fromString(kbTransactionPaymentIdStr):null;
				List<PluginProperty> outputProperties = new ArrayList<PluginProperty>();
				outputProperties.add(new PluginProperty("mandateId",mandateId,false)); //arbitrary data to be returned to the caller
				outputProperties.add(new PluginProperty("customerId",customerId,false));  //arbitrary data to be returned to the caller
				outputProperties.add(new PluginProperty("gocardlessstatus",payment.getStatus(),false)); //arbitrary data to be returned to the caller
				GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin paymentTransactionInfoPlugin = new GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin(
						kbPaymentId, kbTransactionPaymentId, TransactionType.PURCHASE, new BigDecimal(payment.getAmount()), killBillCurrency,
						status, null, null, String.valueOf(payment.getId()), null, new DateTime(),
						new DateTime(payment.getCreatedAt()), outputProperties);"Created paymentTransactionInfoPlugin {}",paymentTransactionInfoPlugin);

		return paymentTransactionInfoPluginList;
  • If you recall, the addPaymentMethod stores the mandate ID in the Kill Bill database in the custom_fields table. This is first retrieved and assigned to mandateId.

  • Next, the GoCardless Mandate object is retrieved via client.mandates().get(mandateId) as explained in the GoCardless documentation.

  • Next, the customerId associated with the mandate is retrieved and all the payments associated with the customer are retrieved via client.payments().all().withCustomer(customerId) as explained in the GoCardless documentation.

  • The code then iterates through the payment objects and obtains the Payment object corresponding to the kbPaymentId passed in. If you recall, the purchasePayment method sends kbPaymentId and kbTransactionId to GoCardless as metadata fields. Thus, the kbPaymentId is retrieved from the metadata of each Payment object and compared with the kbPaymentId passed in.

  • The code then creates a GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin corresponding to a matching Payment using the following:

    • payment amount - The amount is retrieved from the payment object.

    • killBillCurrency - The GoCardless currency (com.gocardless.resources.Payment.Currency) is retrieved from the payment object and converted to Kill Bill currency (org.killbill.billing.catalog.api.Currency).

    • status - The GoCardless status (com.gocardless.resources.Payment.Status) is retrieved from the payment object and converted to Kill Bill status (org.killbill.billing.payment.plugin.api.PaymentPluginStatus).

    • kbTransactionId - This is retrieved from the payment metadata. This step is very important because, the Janitor uses the transaction ID to match the internal transactions with the plugin transactions as explained earlier.

    • outputProperties - This is a List of PluginProperty objects and contains properties corresponding to the mandateId and customerId. See Plugin Property Notes for more information.

  • The List of GoCardlessPaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object is returned back.

Step 8 - Creating GoCardlessCheckoutServlet

In the case of GoCardless, we need to create an additional servlet that invokes the GoCardlessPluginApi#buildFormDescriptor method. Normally, a client API invokes buildFormDescriptor via the PaymentGatewayApi interface. If you take a look at the PaymentGatewayApi#buildFormDescriptor method, you will notice that it accepts a UUID paymentMethodId as a parameter. Thus, this method assumes that a payment method already exists.

However, in the case of GoCardless, we are using the GoCardlessPluginApi#buildFormDescriptor to create a form where a user sets up a mandate. Thus, the payment method will not exist in Kill Bill at the time of invoking the PaymentGatewayApi#buildFormDescriptor method. So, this method cannot directly invoke the GoCardlessPlugin#buildFormDescriptor method.

To work around this, we need to create a servlet and invoke the GoCardlessPlugin#buildFormDescriptor method from this servlet. The client application needs to invoke this servlet and not the PaymentGatewayApi#buildFormDescriptor method.

This servlet is implemented as follows (see GoCardlessCheckoutServlet):

// Handle /plugins/killbill-gocardless/checkout
public class GoCardlessCheckoutServlet {
    private final OSGIKillbillClock clock;
    private final GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi goCardlessPaymentPluginApi;
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GoCardlessCheckoutServlet.class);
    public GoCardlessCheckoutServlet(final OSGIKillbillClock clock,
                                     final GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi goCardlessPaymentPluginApi) {
        this.clock = clock;
        this.goCardlessPaymentPluginApi = goCardlessPaymentPluginApi;
    // Setting up Direct Debit mandates using Hosted Payment Pages, before a payment method has been added to the account
    public Result createSession(@Named("kbAccountId") final UUID kbAccountId,
                                @Named("success_redirect_url") final Optional<String> successUrl,
                                @Named("redirect_flow_description") final Optional<String> description,
                                @Named("lineItemName") final Optional<String> token,
                                @Local @Named("killbill_tenant") final Tenant tenant) throws PaymentPluginApiException {"Inside createSession");
        final CallContext context = new PluginCallContext(GoCardlessActivator.PLUGIN_NAME, clock.getClock().getUTCNow(), kbAccountId, tenant.getId());
        final List<PluginProperty> properties = List.of(
                new PluginProperty("success_redirect_url", successUrl.orElse(""), false),
                new PluginProperty("redirect_flow_description", description.orElse("Kill Bill payment"), false),
                new PluginProperty("session_token", token.orElse("killbill_token"), false));
        final HostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor hostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor = goCardlessPaymentPluginApi.buildFormDescriptor(kbAccountId,
        return Results.with(hostedPaymentPageFormDescriptor, Status.CREATED)
  • The servlet is mapped to the /checkout path. Thus, a client application needs to make a request to this path to invoke the servlet.

  • The createSession accepts properties corresponding to clock and goCardlessPaymentPluginApi. These are injected via the GoCardlessActivator class (explained in the GoCardlessActivator section below).

  • It then creates PluginProperty objects corresponding to the values passed in as parameters.

  • Finally, it invokes the GoCardlessPlugin#buildFormDescriptor method.

Step 9 - Creating GoCardlessActivator

All plugins require an activator class that starts the plugin. Let us take a look at the GoCardlessActivator class:

public class GoCardlessActivator extends KillbillActivatorBase{
//This is the plugin name and is used by Kill Bill to route payment to the appropriate payment plugin
	public static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "killbill-gocardless";
    public void start(final BundleContext context) throws Exception {
        final GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi pluginApi = new GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi(killbillAPI,clock.getClock());
        registerPaymentPluginApi(context, pluginApi);
        // Register the servlet, which is used as the entry point to generate the Hosted Payment Pages redirect url
        final PluginApp pluginApp = new PluginAppBuilder(PLUGIN_NAME, killbillAPI, dataSource, super.clock, configProperties)
        final HttpServlet goCardlessServlet = PluginApp.createServlet(pluginApp);
        registerServlet(context, goCardlessServlet);
    private void registerPaymentPluginApi(final BundleContext context, final PaymentPluginApi api) {
        final Hashtable<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        props.put(OSGIPluginProperties.PLUGIN_NAME_PROP, PLUGIN_NAME);
        registrar.registerService(context, PaymentPluginApi.class, api, props);
    private void registerServlet(final BundleContext context, final HttpServlet servlet) {
        final Hashtable<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
        props.put(OSGIPluginProperties.PLUGIN_NAME_PROP, PLUGIN_NAME);
        registrar.registerService(context, Servlet.class, servlet, props);
  • The GoCardlessActivator class defines a static field called PLUGIN_NAME with the value killbill-gocardless. This is the name of the plugin and will be used by Kill Bill to route payment to the appropriate plugin as explained in the Payment Guide.

  • The start method creates a new GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi object.

  • It then invokes the registerPaymentPluginApi method, which registers the plugin with the PLUGIN_NAME. This code is virtually standard across all plugins and can be used as it is.

  • In the case of GoCardless, we need to create a checkout servlet as explained above. The start method creates this servlet via PluginAppBuilder as follows:

    • withRouteClass specifies the name of the servlet, in this case GoCardlessCheckoutServlet.

    • withService specifies pluginApi. Since the GoCardlessCheckoutServlet accepts a parameter corresponding to GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi, this is injected via withService.

    • Similarly, since GoCardlessPaymentPluginApi accepts a parameter corresponding to OSGIKillbillClock, a clock object is injected via withService.

    • Any other values that need to be passed to the servlet can be injected similarly.

    • The build method is invoked, which creates pluginApp.

    • Finally, the servlet is created via PluginApp.createServlet.

  • The registerServlet method is then invoked, which registers the servlet.

Step 10 - Build and Deployment

The GoCardless plugin can be built and deployed as per the build and deployment instructions specified in the Plugin Development Guide.

Step 11 - Testing

Once the plugin is deployed successfully, you can test it using curl commands as specified in the plugin readme. (If you are on Windows, we recommend that you use Git Bash to run the cURL commands).

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my payment gateway processes a smaller amount?

Some payment gateways may sometimes charge a smaller amount than what is passed to it by a plugin method like purchasePayment. In such cases, the plugin should let Kill Bill know so that Kill Bill can update the invoice/account balance accordingly. For this, the plugin needs to set the actual amount processed by the payment gateway in the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object returned by the plugin method. In other words, the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getAmount method should be implemented to return the actual processed amount. Kill Bill then takes care of the rest by updating its database accordingly.

What should I do if my payment gateway processes payments offline or processes payments after a delay?

If the payment gateway does not process a payment synchronously, the corresponding plugin method (purchasePayment, capturePayment, etc.) should return a PENDING status (Refer to the Payment Plugin Status section). This sets the transactionstatus to PENDING in the Kill Bill database. This can subsequently be converted to the PAYMENT_SUCCESS/PAYMENT_FAILURE status in one of the following ways:

Note: The Notification Queue Janitor runs automatically per a configured schedule. If you would like to run the Janitor immediately, you can trigger the on-the-fly janitor by invoking the PaymentApi#getPayment method.

Other Notes

Sometimes, in addition to processing the payment after a delay, the payment gateway may also charge a smaller amount than the amount that was passed to it by a plugin method. The plugin should let Kill Bill know the actual processed amount so that Kill Bill can update the invoice/account balance accordingly. In such cases, you cannot use the PaymentApi#notifyPendingTransactionOfStateChanged method as it can be used only to update the payment status. So, in such cases you need to rely on the Janitor and let the getPaymentInfo return the processed amount via the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getAmount method.

How can I pass arbitrary values to the plugin or return arbitrary values from the plugin to Kill Bill/my front-end application?

Sometimes a front-end application may need to pass some arbitrary values to the plugin code or payment gateway. Similarly, the payment gateway or plugin code may need to return some arbitrary values to Kill Bill or the front-end application. Kill Bill provides plugin properties, which can be used to achieve this. Refer to the Plugin Property Notes section for further information.

Some examples of passing plugin properties to/from a plugin:

How can I update error information in Kill Bill?

Sometimes, the payment might not be processed by the payment gateway due to some error. In order to update the error information in Kill Bill, the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin object returned by the plugin method should be populated with the error information. In other words, the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getGatewayError and the PaymentTransactionInfoPlugin#getGatewayErrorCode need to be implemented correctly. Kill Bill then automatically updates this information in the Kill Bill database. For example, in case an exception occurs while processing the payment, the GocardlessPaymentPluginApi#purchasePayment method returns the error information.