The kpm diagnostic command gathers information about your Kill Bill installation (Kill Bill/Kaui versions, Java version, plugins that you use, etc.), Kill Bill logs, tenant configuration data and account data. It generates a zip file with this data. When this file is shared with us, it allows us to replicate your Kill Bill environment and diagnose the issue.

Running the Diagnostic Tool

The kpm diagnostic tool can be run as follows:

kpm diagnostic --killbill-api-credentials=bob lazar --killbill-credentials admin password --account-export=ACCOUNT_ID

Note that the parameters specified above are optional. The complete set of parameters are documented in the subsequent section.

Once the kpm diagnostic command completes, it displays the path of the generated file. For example, with a Tomcat installation on a Windows machine, it displays the following:

Diagnostic data exported under C:/Users/<USERNAME>/AppData/Local/Temp/killbill-diagnostics-20220215-10768-1pplgn6/

The zip file named can be copied from this path and shared with the KB Team.

KPM Diagnostic Command Parameters

The following table documents the complete list of parameters that can be specified with the kpm diagnostic command:

Options Description Default


Account Id. If specified, includes data from the KB database tables for the specified accountId.

None (no account data is included)


Log directory. If specified, includes the contents of the specified directory as a zip file

Logs from <CATALINA_BASE>/logs (var/lib/tomcat/logs)


Yml that contains the various config options. Alternative to specifying the individual parameters



Tenant API Key and Tenant API Secret corresponding to the tenant for which you want to export data



KB authentication credentials



The KB URL to connect to


The path to the Kaui war file. If specified, includes the Kaui version

None (no version information is included)


The path to the KB war file. If specified, includes the KB version

None (no version information is included)


Plugin installation directory. If specified, includes information about the plugins installed at this path

None (no plugin information is included)


Example 1

kpm diagnostic --account-export=88a0f329-2893-46fe-

Exports data for the specified accountId (Assuming the account belongs to the bob/lazar tenant and the killbill credentials are admin/password).

Example 2

kpm diagnostic --killbill-api-credentials=test test  --killbill-credentials root root --account-export=88a0f329-2893-46fe-b3b7-4e21cafa2118

Exports data for the specified accountId belonging to the test/test tenant. Uses the root/root KB credentials.

Example 3

kpm diagnostic --killbill-api-credentials=bob lazar  --killbill-credentials admin password

Exports only system and tenant data. No account information in exported since the --account-export= parameter is not specified

Example 4

kpm diagnostic --account-export=88a0f329-2893-46fe-b3b7-4e21cafa2118 --bundles-dir=d:/var/tmp/bundles

Exports data for the specified accountId. Includes plugin information from the d:/var/tmp/bundles path.

Example 5

kpm diagnostic  --account-export=88a0f329-2893-46fe-b3b7-4e21cafa2118 --kaui-web-path=/var/lib/tomcat/webapps2/ROOT.war --killbill-web-path=/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war

Exports data for the specified accountId. Includes Kaui/KB version.

Example 6

Create a file called config.yml as follows:

  api_key: bob
  api_secret: lazar
  port: 8080
  host: localhost
  user: admin
  password: password
  plugins_dir: /var/tmp/bundles
kpm diagnostic --account-export=88a0f329-2893-46fe-b3b7-4e21cafa2118 --config_file=D:/D

Exports data for the specified accountId using the details from config.yml

Environment Specific Notes


In a Tomcat installation, the kpm tool needs to be explicitly installed if not already done. Refer to the kpm installation notes.

After the kpm tool is installed, you can run the kpm diagnostic command as explained above.


In case of a Docker installation, the kpm diagnostic command needs to be run within the Kill Bill Docker container.

Alternatively, you can also run the following command within the Kill Bill Docker container:

$KPM_DIAGNOSTIC_CMD -e killbill_user=admin \
-e killbill_password=password \
-e killbill_api_key=bob \
-e killbill_api_secret=lazar \
-e killbill_account=ACCOUNT_ID


In case of an AWS installation, you would need to login as Tomcat using the following command:

# Login as 'tomcat'
sudo su - tomcat

After this, you can run the kpm diagnostic command as mentioned above.