
This guide explains how to maintain your multi-tier Kill Bill installation on AWS. The procedures described in this guide apply separately to each of your EC2 instances.

Log in

To perform most maintenance tasks you will need to log in to your EC2 instances. Be sure that SSH is enabled on Port 22 in your security group. Login procedures are described in the setup guide (See 4.5. Login to an Instance).


If a new installation does not seem to work correctly, the first step is to review your installation process carefully, to be sure that everything has been done and checked as described in the setup guide. If problems persist, we will be glad to work with you to identify the problem. To help us to do this, there are several information reports that you may need to gather. These reports are somewhat technical but can be analyzed by Kill Bill personnel. This section explains how to obtain the reports that may be needed.

Log Files

The system maintains a series of log files that may be helpful when troubleshooting is needed. These logs may be forwarded to Kill Bill to help diagnose your problem.

Tomcat/KB/Kaui logs are under /var/lib/tomcat/logs/:

  • Kaui log: /var/lib/tomcat/logs/kaui.out

  • Kill Bill server log: /var/lib/tomcat/logs/killbill.out

  • Complete tomcat log: /var/lib/tomcat/logs/catalina.out

  • Access requests to the servers: localhost_access_log*.txt

Sometimes these logs will clearly show anomalies that will pinpoint the problem. If not you should forward your logs to Kill Bill for review.Some of these logs may be very large, especially catalina.out.

Logging Configuration

The logging configuration, including settings for log rotation and log levels, is defined in the logback.xml file. Separate logback.xml files are used for KB and Kaui, located at the following paths:

  • KB logback file: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml

  • Kaui logback file: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps2/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml

These files can be modified to customize the logging settings for KB and Kaui. By default, the log level is configured as INFO.

Status Reports

When you launch the EC2 instance, all required services should be enabled and running, including:

  • An instance of Kill Bill server listening on (and receiving external traffic through nginx on port 8443)

  • An instance of Kaui listening on (and receiving external traffic through nginx on port 443)

  • A local mysql server running on port 3306

The status of KB/mysql services can be checked by the following commands:

  • Kill Bill service: sudo service killbill status

  • Mysql service: sudo service mysql status

For each report there should be a line near the top with the following form:

Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-10-24 20:13:43 UTC; 1 day 1h ago

You can start or stop the services using similar commands, such as sudo service killbill stop to stop Kill Bill. If any service is not active, try starting it using the appropriate command.

If all services are running, the next step is to collect several reports.

System Health Check

The healthcheck report checks the health of various software components, and determines if any queues are growing improperly over time. To create this report, issue the following command:


This will return a series of messages giving the health status of each component. These messages may look like:

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1412    0  1412    0     0  54307      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 56480
  "main.pool.ConnectivityCheck": {
    "healthy": true
  "org.killbill.billing.server.healthchecks.KillbillHealthcheck": {
    "healthy": true,
    "message": "OK"
  "org.killbill.billing.server.healthchecks.KillbillPluginsHealthcheck": {
    "healthy": true
  "org.killbill.billing.server.healthchecks.KillbillQueuesHealthcheck": {
    "healthy": true,
    "bus": {
      "growing": false
    "overdue-service:overdue-check-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "notifications-retries:overdue-check-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "entitlement-service:entitlement-events": {
      "growing": false
    "invoice-service:next-billing-date-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "notifications-retries:extBusEvent-listener": {
      "growing": false
    "payment-service:janitor": {
      "growing": false
    "externalBus": {
      "growing": false
    "payment-service:retry": {
      "growing": false
    "notifications-retries:next-billing-date-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "notifications-retries:payment-bus-handler": {
      "growing": false
    "subscription-service:subscription-events": {
      "growing": false
    "invoice-service:parent-invoice-commitment-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "server-service:push-notification-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "notifications-retries:overdue-async-bus-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "overdue-service:overdue-async-bus-queue": {
      "growing": false
    "notifications-retries:payment-service": {
      "growing": false
    "notifications-retries:invoice-listener": {
      "growing": false
  "osgi.pool.ConnectivityCheck": {
    "healthy": true
  "shiro.pool.ConnectivityCheck": {
    "healthy": true

An unexpected message may indicate a component that is not working properly.

System Information

For a detailed system information report, showing the current version of each component, use the following command:


Here <ADMIN> is your Kaui administrator username, and <INSTANCE_ID> is your EC2 instance ID. THe output will look like:

    "nodeName": "ip-192-168-241-89.ec2.internal",
    "bootTime": "2024-07-11T07:30:59.000Z",
    "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-07-11T07:30:59.000Z",
    "kbVersion": "0.24.10",
    "apiVersion": "0.54.0",
    "pluginApiVersion": "0.27.1",
    "commonVersion": "0.26.2",
    "platformVersion": "0.41.9",
    "pluginsInfo": [
        "bundleSymbolicName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-kpm",
        "pluginKey": null,
        "pluginName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-kpm",
        "version": null,
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "isSelectedForStart": true,
        "services": []
        "bundleSymbolicName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-logger",
        "pluginKey": null,
        "pluginName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-logger",
        "version": null,
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "isSelectedForStart": true,
        "services": []
        "bundleSymbolicName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-metrics",
        "pluginKey": null,
        "pluginName": "org.kill-bill.billing.killbill-platform-osgi-bundles-metrics",
        "version": null,
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "isSelectedForStart": true,
        "services": []

Diagnostic Command

The diagnostic option of the Kill Bill Package Manager (kpm) command creates an extensive report for a given tenant that may be useful for troubleshooting. See KPM Diagnostic Usage.

To run this command:

# Login as 'tomcat'
> sudo su - tomcat
# Run the command with your access credentials:
> kpm  diagnostic \
  --account-export=<account_id> \
  --killbill-credentials=<ADMIN> <PASSWORD> \
  --bundles-dir=/var/lib/killbill/bundles \
  --killbill-api-credentials=<KEY> <SECRET> \
  --killbill-web-path=/var/lib/tomcat/webapps \
  --kaui-web-path=/var/lib/tomcat/webapps2 \

You will need to edit this command to include:

  1. Your admin username and password

  2. The public key and secret key for your tenant (<KEY> <SECRET>)

The last line of the response should look like:

Diagnostic data is exported under /tmp/killbill-diagnostics-20200213-23204-u93ah5/killbill-diagnostics-02-13-20.zip

The specified zip file contains several reports of various sizes. This report can be downloaded to your computer using sftp and forwarded to Kill Bill for analysis.


To access the RDS database, you can use the following command:

mysql -h<db-writer-endpont> -u<db-username> -p<db-password>

Replace <db-writer-endpont> with the DB writer endpoint and <db-username>/<db-password> with the database credentials obtained during the setup (Step 2.2).

This enables interactive access to the database manager. There is one killbill and one kaui database created and used by the respective applications. To verify the tables in each database, you can type:

use killbill
show tables;


use kaui
show tables;

Standard SQL commands can be used to explore or manipulate the tables. Be sure you know what you are doing, or the databases may become corrupted!

To exit the mysql interactive mode, type exit.


Kill Bill defines a number of global properties and per-tenant properties that can be varied. These properties are explained in the Kill Bill and Kaui Configuration Guide. Default values for these properties are built into the Kill Bill code; these values can be overridden by values defined in the file /var/lib/killbill/config/killbill.properties. For example, this is where you can change the database URL and credentials.

This file also defines the location of the shiro.ini file, which by default is in the /var/lib/killbill/config directory. The shiro.ini file defines the Kill Bill admin credentials, along with any other users and their roles. See the Users, Roles, and Permissions Management guide for details about this file.


From time to time new versions of Kill Bill are released. These versions can be incorporated in your installation with minimal impact on production. This section explains how to upgrade to a new version of Kill Bill. Note that these are not the same as new versions of the AMI, which can be incorporated only by a full re-installation.

You can upgrade KB using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your instance using ssh.

  2. Switch to the tomcat user:

    sudo su - tomcat
  3. Update /var/lib/killbill/kpm.yml with the appropriate KB version. For example, to upgrade to KB 0.24.9, update this file as follows:

      version: 0.24.9
      plugins_dir: /var/lib/killbill/bundles
      webapp_path: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
  4. Delete the cached webapps/ROOT directory:

    rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/ROOT
  5. Run the following command to update KB:

  6. Restart KB:

    sudo service killbill restart

You can upgrade Kaui using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your instance using ssh.

  2. Switch to the tomcat user:

    sudo su - tomcat
  3. Update /var/lib/kaui/kpm.yml with the appropriate Kaui version. For example, to upgrade to Kaui 3.0.6, edit this file as follows:

      version: 3.0.6
      # Used for the sha1.yml
      plugins_dir: /var/lib/kaui/bundles
      webapp_path: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps2/ROOT.war
  4. Delete the cached webapps2/ROOT directory:

    rm -rf /var/lib/tomcat/webapps2/ROOT
  5. Run the following command to update Kaui:

  6. Restart KB:

    sudo service killbill restart